Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Christmas (Card) Story

I, of all people, had never had a photo on my Christmas card.  But what was I going to do, send out a picture of just my face?  No.  No thank you.

But this year I decided I wanted to cook something up.  And now that the card has gone out, here's the story...

I knew I wanted to have kids in the picture.  And, I know and love and adore some GREAT kids.  But in Winston there are some particular children that I know so very well and have truly watched grow up. 

I have met them before they have even left the hospital, been at home to welcome them for the first time, rocked them to sleep, driven their carpools, taken them to the doctor, taken them out for too much ice cream to even try to keep track of.  They know that I'll be there for preschool Christmas Programs and Third Grade Plays.  I have played with them in the ocean, played with them in the snow, had Easter lunch with them, had Thanksgiving dinner with them, spent Christmas morning with them.  I am there for their soccer games and swim meets and baptisms and birthdays. 

Their families are my family and I truly, TRULY love these children.  They are the reasons that I have carseats in my car and baby shampoo in my shower.  Their photos cover any surface I can find to cover.  They call me on the phone when they lose a tooth or get a new puppy.  I get called to come over and sign casts before they even dry and christen the new swingset in the backyard.  I get choked up when I have thank you notes from them in the mail or homemade birthday cards from them shoved through my mail slot.  They are all so funny and can make me laugh harder than anyone.  A hug or kiss or "I Love You" from any of them makes me instantly melt.

I have been insanely blessed by the fact that their parents have let me be so close to all of them since they were all SO little.  I don't take that lightly and am so very grateful to all of them for this.  They have allowed me to be "Becca".

So, when I wanted to get this picture, I wrangled some very cooperative parents into the mix and stepped to the other side of the camera for a picture with all of my babies. :)

Eight families.  Nineteen children.  Ten boys and nine girls.
Two sets of twins and one set of triplets.  Three Wills and two Jacks.

So, Merry Christmas, from me and all of my absolute favorite people, (in birth order - and yes, I can rattle them off this way) Jack, Will, Spencer, Will, Ford, Jay, Sam, Ella, Vivi, Ben, Sophie, Gabby, Caroline, Olivia, Maggie, Nora, Jack, Will and Lulu.

Love, Becca :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

DONE with Pictures. D.O.N.E.

Libby had HAD it yesterday...but this was too funny not to post. :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Completely fell in love with this precious girl yesterday.  She and her big brother were absolute troopers in freezing weather.  You wouldn't even know by the pictures that they were truly almost popsicles.  It started snowing like crazy about 30 minutes after we finished... 

Really, how cute is she?