Lulu is the youngest of all of my little ones. Today was her first Knollwood Program, her Christmas festival at school, and then a little birthday party for her as she turned 3 yesterday. As I write this, I realize that I met her the day after she was today I have known this little precious thing for exactly 3 years.
Today, this girl had a big day...
First, she rocked the Baby Jesus to sleep...
Then she made sure everyone was quiet while He slept...
But then, THEN, she got to see Santa...
And chat him up a bit...
And then she got to follow that up with a crown and a cupcake...
Not a bad day at all for this precious little thing. At the end of dinner she was snuggled in my lap and turned around and said "Becca, when we go home do I get to go night-night?" Worn out.
Lulu Bird - I love you like crazy. Happy Birthday you adorable thing you.