Monday, August 16, 2010

God Bless America

It's almost time for some college football.  Or at least it is according to my front door.  I've been waiting to put this thing up forever.  I couldn't wait any longer - today was the day.

In other news...

A sweet friend of mine headed off to start her freshman year at NC State this past weekend.  Oh, what I wouldn't give...  I loved every last single solitary moment I spent at that place.

She had the expected butterflies and usual uncertainties that come with going off to school.  You're excited out of your mind and absolutely scared to death all at one time.  I decided a little Red & White love was in order.  Plus, I got to break out the paint pens, which I have to do every now and then to keep true to myself.  Ta-Da! 

Happy Monday!


KatieKate said...

You are so rad.
I wish I had a friend like you.
Oh, wait.

Anonymous said...

That is SO cute. Um uh oh... what does that say about REL 317... I'm taking that this semester. :\