Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Just Keep Shoveling...

That's a line from Father of the Bride, folks. When Franck Eggelhoffer and his assistant Howard Weinstein are clearing the snow from the front walk at the Banks house before Annie Banks becomes Annie Banks McKenzie.

It is also what I have jokingly said to my dear father who has come over every darn time it has snowed to dig me out of the bowl that I live in. I am not saying we live in Alaska, but NC hasn't seen 3 snows before Valentine's Day in I don't know how long...and we are currently getting more as I type. And oh now I MISS my Ford Explorer from high school and college, even if it did nearly ruin a Spring Break trip to DC one year because of a silly broken seatbelt (Katie Mulder do you still read this blog?). The Honda just can't hang in the snow and ice.

But, the snow has luckily come for the most part on weekends, so it has been playtime. I live near many of my favorites and a great place to sled, so that's what we've done!

Mary with Will & Ben!The Vivster - loving it and oh-so-stylish at the same time.
Doubled up with Ella Bear and Maggie Moose!This eager watching would make you think Nora couldn't wait to go out in it...She HATED it. But what a precious little snow angel she was anyway - as long as someone was holding her and she wasn't "TUCK! (Stuck!)" in the snow!Happy Snow Days!

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