Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It's a Zoo Around Here!

Every 6 months or so, I get to go to one of my favorite things. Ever. The Knollwood Baptist Preschool music program. This happens every year at Christmas and at the end of the school year, and it literally makes me laugh hysterically and cry like baby every single time I go. I can't tell you how many times I've gone and while there met someone I haven't met before, and they'll say "Which child is yours?" My answer is always "Well, I don't have any kids, actually." Cue an odd look. But, whoever I'm with, be it a mom or dad or grandmother that I'm sitting with, will quickly turn and say something along the lines of "Actually, she's got more kids here than anyone else in the room."
Today was the Spring program at KBP. My favorite part is when the kids get up on stage, turn around, and see people they know. They light up and wave like crazy and act so surprised to see familiar faces in the audience. With my camera (and some pretty sweet parent connections) I usually get to sit right up front, making me pretty visible, and when I get a "BECCA!" from someone I get all emotional. Every time.
Today's play was a zoo theme. Songs about monkeys and ducks and frogs. Even the chicken dance. Who doesn't love watching a zillion little kids, 2 through 5 years old, do that?It was my last time to see Will and Ford up on that stage. Sad sad - all grown up and off to Kindergarten next year!

I have a bunch of loves in the 2 year old class...

Sam, looking cool and tough for the paparazzi during his getaway.
And then I got to head to soccer after work.

First a little time at Jack's game.

Please look at Ford's eyelashes. They have their own shadow. They're beautiful.

Spencer is a soccer rock star. Natural born.The best part? Sam got a trophy for being an assistant coach for the team. Have you ever SEEN such pride???

I love these children. FIERCELY. What a great, great day for Becca. :)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Making Up For Lost Time

Okay, so I have sucked it up at this blogging thing. Summer should bring much more fun things to report. And hopefully a little sun for my w-h-i-t-e skin. Please excuse me and my glare.

A quick recap of all that has happened since I last reminded folks that I am, in fact, alive:

My sister got engaged.
Yep. I know, I was speechless too. They'll get married next January at Duke Chapel, with what is shaping up to be one big heck of a party after. My parents love throwing a party - they may outdo themselves with this one. Planning has been...interesting...she's an odd duck, my sister. She quacks to her own drummer, I assume.

It snowed! Vivi went sledding for the first time and made her first snow angel.

Easter weekend brought an Easter Bunny Breakfast with the Woltzes and egg-dying with the Petronzios. It was multiples madness...
The following people are having babies:
Ellen & Terry
Shanna & Brian
Carmen & Leister
The poor store in Winston where I go get all of my baby goodies is having to work overtime. Aunt Bec is a busy woman folks - busy. And none of these children are even here yet.

Birthdays have been all over the place, but Nora and Uncle Abe are all I have pictures of in this area. She turned 1, he turned 35 - I love them both.

Occasionally I get out from behind the camera. I had a very fun date to this year's Blanton Vogler party. No duh, Wes is always fun. :)Until next long!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Georgia on My Mind

In ten days, I will be with these girls in Georgia, and I'm so excited that I may just explode before then. We'll hit the road bright and early on Thursday the 28th and head to Sea Island for a nice long weekend for Katie and Michael's wedding. You know a good time is in store when people come from Winston, Jackson Hole, NYC, Nashville and Austria for a wedding. Throw in a beach house and some fun boys (I haven't forgotten about them, don't worry) and a blast is sure to be had by all.I.

Stay tuned for whatever insanity may be included in a wrap up of the trip. I'm not promising it'll be anything pretty...