Sunday, November 14, 2010

Three Reasons

I am the firmest of believers that everything happens for a reason.  The time that I have probably seen and experienced this more than ever for myself was when I started college.  I initially went to University of Tennessee in Knoxville, and 2 weeks after classes started I totally wrecked my right knee with a rare, freak injury that no one knew how to fix.  After lots of doctors appointments it was decided that I needed some major surgery, so the call was made that I would withdraw from school and come home to take care of the knee, then would reassess what to do about school.

Once that time came, I didn't feel like going back to UT was the right thing for me.  I hadn't had the best time there (understandably) so I went back to the drawing board on what college would look like for me.  It was - I will admit - REALLY scary.  Because I was going to be a mid-year entrance, options were limited, as only certain places would allow it.  My friend Kelly encouraged me to consider NC State.  I had never so much as thought about going to school there, but once we learned that they would allow me to start in January if I got in, it definitely became an option.  And it ended up happening.

Let me tell you something - I loved every. single. second. that I was at that school.    I was scared to death to start there the way that I did, but it ended up being the very best thing that ever could have happened after a total whirlwind of slow, painful, frustrating months.

So yes, everything happens for a reason.  Or several reasons.  And I spent my weekend this weekend with three of the reasons that I KNOW I ended up at State.

I am, admittedly, a guys' girl.  I watch Sportscenter and talk football and take care of 'the boys' and love doing it.  And when I was at State I met three of the best guys there are.  And one of them got married this past weekend, so we all packed up and headed to Nashville for the celebration.

Matt can make me laugh harder than anyone I know, and from the moment I met him we had so much in common that it was scary.  Leister (Ryan, really, but two are Ryans, so they have always gone by last names instead) is quiet and so sweet and gives the best big bear hugs on the planet.  McDowell (Ryan, again), the groom, is always good for a kiss on the cheek and used to come sing us to sleep in our apartment in school.  He was the one that I felt like I needed to take care of in school.  I almost gave a toast about this at the rehearsal dinner but decided not to, as I didn't want to sound like a mom.  But then at 1:30 am that night, my cell phone rang.  McDowell needed Advil.  So off I went, in pjs, through the hotel to his room, to the rescue.  Just like old times. :)

But the truth is, these boys took care of me in school and have ever since.  I could call any of them out of nowhere for anything in the world and they would drop anything and come running.  They did so so very many times.  They have always made me feel so safe, and I have always known that they would do anything I would ever need them to do.  And they knew that I would be there for them just the same.

I cried this morning in the Nashville airport.  The weekend was so much fun and went by far too quickly.  I wanted more time with everyone.  But I also know that it doesn't matter how far apart we are or how long we go between seeing each other.  Because it's always just like old times when we're all in one place.  And I will love that forever.

I am so glad that everything happens for a reason.  Or 3. :)

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