Monday, May 2, 2011

Favorite Little Artist

A few weeks ago Sam told me that his class was learning about artists.  This kid retains EVERYTHING so I was sure he'd soak it all up like a sponge.  I didn't get much detail then about what all they were 'studying' but was sure he wouldn't miss a beat.

This weekend he told me he had an art show at school on Monday morning.  Last night he called me to see if I would like to come.  It would be at 9:00.  A.M.  (He was very adamant that I know it was in the morning...just to be sure I didn't show up for an art show at the preschool at 9:00 at night.)

I hopped on over to Knollwood this morning, and, as usual, nearly cried watching one of my favorite kids do his thing.  Let me tell you, I was totally blown away by what these kids have learned.  Monet, Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Picasso, Michelangelo, was amazing.  They have gotten to make 'masterpieces' in all of the different ways that these artists did, can recognize different famous paintings not just based on memorizing them, but based on the styles used, can tell you who did abstract work, who did portraits, etc.  I was about to bust with pride for a class full of kids that, let's face it, can't even tie their own shoes yet.

At the end of it, Sam asked me who my favorite was.  I'm a Picasso girl.  When I asked him the same question, he said "Van Gogh!  That guy was a kook!"

LOVE.  Example #9283 of why I'd rather spend my time hanging out with kids than doing anything else in the world...

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